Bridge Deck
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EKKO_Project™ GPR Software

Bridge Deck

Bridge Deck module: Automatically generate reports with amplitude and attenuation plots from rebar interpretations

Specialized module can be added to Examine, Reveal, Suite or 3D software bundles, enabling you to automatically generate reports for bridge deck condition analysis.

Optional module for Examine, Reveal, 3D Reveal, Suite & 3D Suite Bundles DOWNLOAD BROCHURE DOWNLOAD EXAMPLE REPORT

Bridge Deck Condition Report module

Automatically generate reports with amplitude and attenuation plots from rebar interpretations in bridge decks

The pre-defined Bridge Deck Condition Report includes an absolute amplitude or attenuation plot, based on ASTM 6087, of the bridge deck and statistics about the picked rebar.
Picked Rebar (blue dots) on GPR line
Picked Rebar (blue dots) in map view
Generate an attenuation map and display it on Google Earth to inform stakeholders about areas of high GPR signal attenuation, often related to bridge deck deterioration.

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