EKKO_Project™ GPR Data Analysis | Mapping | Processing Software
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EKKO_Project™ GPR Software

EKKO_Project is the all-inclusive software solution for managing, displaying, processing and interpreting GPR data.

EKKO_Project™ Visualize. Understand. Report.

EKKO_Project is a GPR processing and reporting software that makes powerful GPR analysis simple – giving you more time to interpret the data, extract your insights and drive informed decisions for your project.

EKKO_Project is used to take your GPR data from the field to final report, with a focus on visualizing, understanding and reporting your results through simple workflows.

Not knowing what lies beneath the surface increases project risks, such as:

  • The potential to damage critical infrastructure, cultural assets, or other buried objects
  • Unknown conditions can lead to costly damages, scope changes, delays, or rework
  • Maps, documentation, and as-built designs can lack sufficient detail or be inaccurate. Proceeding without knowing what’s below can result in injury to people, environmental damage, or devastating societal consequences.

EKKO_Project software is a critical tool for companies using GPR to know what’s below the surface, better manage and protect underground assets, and reduce project risk.

The latest update to EKKO_Project – V6R2 – adds powerful visualization and output features, as well as significant performance improvements. The latest software can be downloaded here, and upgrades and trial versions are available.

EKKO_Project software is now part of the Locate Performance Management suite of tools from Radiodetection, solutions that help locate and protect underground assets. EKKO_Project, is designed to empower utility locators, concrete scanners, archaeologists, law enforcement, geoscientists, environmental scientists, geotechnical engineers, and other GPR practitioners to visualize GPR data and turn it into usable information and reports.

Project Explorer window
Transfer GPR Data Seamlessly from Field to Desktop to Final Results

GPR can be used in many applications and industries and GPR practitioners have different analysis, visualization and processing needs which is why EKKO_Project has a suite of bundle options.

Compare the functionality of EKKO_Project software bundles and select the one that is right for you:

Project Explorer window

Core: Our Core software enables efficient and intuitive review of GPR data, archiving of findings for future reference, and generation of insightful reports from powerful user-generated images.

Examine: Builds on Core to unlock tools to display, optimize and add your interpretations to GPR line data for a more complete analysis and understanding of your data.

Reveal: Builds on Examine to unlock tools to generate depth slices to better visualize large volumes of GPR data collected over large survey areas and provides a more powerful way to visualize GPR results.

3D Reveal: Create 3D volumes of grid scans exported from Reveal to visualize data from any angle, pinpoint anomalies, discern patterns and clearly communicate results to clients.

Suite: Builds on Reveal to unlock complex advanced signal processing tools and batch processing to deliver further insights and findings in technical reports.

3D Suite: Create 3D volumes of grid scans exported from Suite to visualize your processed data and clearly illustrate the results of your GPR work.

Bridge Deck Module: Specialized module can be added to Examine, Reveal, Suite or 3D software bundles, enabling you to automatically generate reports for bridge deck condition analysis.

Pavement Structure Module: Specialized module can be added to Examine, Reveal, Suite or 3D software bundles, enabling you to extract road layer thickness and generate reports to aid in road inspection and maintenance.

Benefits of EKKO_Project

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