oronto — Sensors & Software is pleased to introduce the latest evolution of the NOGGIN® 100 ground penetrating radar (GPR) system – the NOGGIN Ultra 100.
The NOGGIN Ultra 100 combines the world-renowned capability of powerful, easy-to-use NOGGIN GPRs with the Ultra Receiver technology, first introduced to the low-frequency pulseEKKO® system. The new NOGGIN® Ultra 100 collects GPR data thousands of times faster, allowing you to see deeper than ever before. This new technology enables:
1. Stacking GPR traces up to 65,536 times, with little or no reduction in collection speed.
2. The random noise floor to be greatly reduced, allowing the recording of GPR signals more than 100 times smaller than before.
3. Double or triple the depth of penetration at some locations.
4. Collection of 32-bit, high dynamic range data to see small, subtle, and real GPR signals.
The capabilities of the NOGGIN® Ultra 100 are ideally suited for geotechnical and geological applications as well as deep utility-locating, environmental applications, and archaeology.
The NOGGIN® Ultra 100 is fully compatible with NOGGIN® systems using the DVL-500. Upgrade packages are available to add a NOGGIN® Ultra 100 to your SmartCart and SmartTow configurations.
Founded in 1988, Sensors & Software is the worldwide leader of GPR innovations. The company offers a wide range of hardware and software products and services designed to understand what lies beneath the surface and empower informed decision–making.
Data Examples:
1) Geological Stratigraphy
2) Pipeline Mapping