June 30, 2009 – EKKO_Mapper Version 4 – released
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June 30, 2009 – EKKO_Mapper Version 4 – released

Version 4 of EKKO_Mapper, the user-friendly mapping, and 3D GPR visualization software now seamlessly integrates GPS coordinates.

In response to customer demand, Sensors & Software has enhanced the imaging and mapping capabilities of EKKO_Mapper.  EKKO_Mapper is designed to quickly and easily translate GPR data collected on grids into depth slices presented in plan map and 3D views.  The systematic integration of GPS coordinates in a simple, reliable way is now routine. The new version includes:

  • Import and view GPS coordinates and grid lines simultaneously
  • Use GFP_Edit to define the optimal GPS coordinate match to the local grid
  • Create depth slices with latitude-longitude or UTM coordinates
  • Export in KMZ format then automatically launch and view depths slices in Google Earth
  • Export depth slices in CSV format for viewing in 3rd party visualization such as Golden Software’s Surfer
  • Seamless integration with Voxler 3D viewing software
  • Pick features and export tabulated results in Excel and CSV format
  • Change map view colors, intensities and a host of other features

EKKO_Mapper is powerful and simple.  The new features will make you more productive and deliver enhanced results in less time with fewer data handling headaches. Try the new Version 4 today by taking advantage of the free demonstration offer and introductory pricing.
