July 31, 2011 – New GPR Configuration for Vehicle Tow Surveys
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July 31, 2011 – New GPR Configuration for Vehicle Tow Surveys

The SmartChariot configuration provides a new solution for vehicle-towed deployment of pulseEKKO and Noggin GPR systems. Ideal for surveys covering large open areas that can be surveyed using a vehicle such as roads, parking areas, or smooth open fields, the SmartChariot features:

  • Ground-coupled deployment for maximum penetration and high-quality data
  • Support of 250, 500 or 1000 MHz frequencies
  • Simultaneous operation of two sensors: 500 and/or 1000 MHz
  • Light-weight structure and compact design for convenient shipping to any site
  • Rugged non-metallic structural elements
  • Simple and reliable sensor height adjustment
  • High and low tow-hitch attachment.

The SmartChariot delivers seamless field operation with pulseEKKO PRO transducers, Noggin SmartSystems and SpiView for SPIDAR acquisition software by including integrated odometer triggering and GPS positioning. The new configuration embodies the attention to detail users have come to expect from Sensors & Software products.
For more information, contact one of our Application Specialists.
