Authors: Isabel Morris1,2,*,†, Julia Cleary2,†, Andre Gonciar2 and Branko Glisic1
1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA;
2 ArchaeoTek: Archaeological Techniques and Research Center, Ottawa, ON K1K 4J7, Canada; (J.C.); (A.G.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-609-258-8439
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Corvin Castle, located in Hunedoara County (Transylvania), is an important Romanian cultural site. Originally, a fort constructed in the 14th century, it was first converted into a castle by Ioan de Hunedoara in the 15th century, frequently changing owners (with significant construction in the 15th and 17th centuries) until it was abandoned in the mid-19th century. After undergoing various ill-fated reconstruction efforts in the late 19th century, the castle reopened in the 1950s when the Romanian government renewed its interest in cultural sites and undertook a series of sparsely-documented archaeological investigations and conservation projects. Presently, restoration efforts require renewed investigation of Corvin Castle’s construction and history. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a promising tool for investigating the construction phases of heritage structures like Corvin Castle, where invasive methods are inappropriate and extensive historical modification has left incomplete records. In 2017, a comprehensive GPR survey of the castle was conducted. The survey recognizes features mentioned in texts, discovers previously unknown constructions, locates areas of moisture ingress around the courtyard, and identifies the extent and composition of the building foundations. Information gained from these scans, especially combined with printed sources, is an asset in planning restoration efforts and understanding the effects of past modifications.
Keywords: GPR; cultural heritage; CRM; nondestructive testing; Hunedoara Castle; Hunyadi Castle; Corvin Castle; Castelul Corvinilor; Vajdahunyad
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